
Can You See Me Now?

This last week was rough. I learned a lot about friendship and what type of people we should surround ourselves with.  Honestly, I am truly fortunate when it comes to friends. There are so many that always take such good care of me. However, for the last couple of months, I made the mistake of caring too much about a few certain people who don't accept me as I am. Truly I enjoyed their company but sadly every time I found myself around them I also found myself having to defend my self and my decisions. Suddenly I was boring because I was too good, I was never enough around them. They continued to make me feel more and more like I wasn't enough.  
It reached a point that I could no longer hang out with them. I don't hate them and I honestly wish them the best. But it isn't fair to me to constantly feel berated for my opinions and my beliefs. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints more commonly referred to by our nickname the Mormons. I am truly happy in my religion and believe and know it to be true with my whole heart. 
Basically what I am trying to say is that in this life we will all face opposition. People will tell you that you are not enough. They will tell you that you should do things differently. But you must trust your heart and the people who truly love you. They may never see you the way you hope they will, but you must never lose sight of who you are and your potential.
I love being part of my religion where they are constantly reminding me that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father. Though many will try and change my mind. I know who I am and I know what I believe. They may never see me as strong. But it does not matter what they think of me. It only matters what my Heavenly Father thinks of me.
Don't give up and don't let anyone try to change what you know to be true.

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